We are delighted to inform you that the Amazon Kindle E-reader is now available for borrowing from the library. This addition aims to enhance your reading experience and provide access to a diverse range of e-books. Please note that all Kindle devices are activated with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. However, access to e-books not covered by this subscription will be restricted on these devices.

Instructions for using Kindle e-reader:

  1. Users are allowed to borrow one Kindle device for a period of 15 days, with the option of one online renewal. 
  2. The device will be accompanied by a Type C charger (without adapter) when borrowed. It is advisable to maintain the device's battery level above 20% to enhance its overall battery life.
  3. Any damage to the Kindle device will be subject to the existing Book Damage/Replacement Policy. Please refer to Circulation guidelines for more details.
  4. Purchasing Kindle e-books that fall outside the subscription is prohibited. The institute will not be responsible for any payment made through these devices.

To know about borrowing a Kindle E-reader, please visit the library.